Motor Oil Products

MVP+ 20W-50 Semi-Synthetic Motor Oil


The Solution

MVP+ 20W-50 Semi-Synthetic Motor Oil is a “universal” engine oil that meets the warranty requirement of all major gasoline and diesel engine manufacturers. MVP+ was specifically developed for use in “mixed fleets” comprised of both gasoline, two-cycle and four-cycle diesel engines. As a multi-grade oil it is especially suited for use over a wide range of temperatures and load conditions with all types of gasoline and diesel fuels. This motor oil is a blend of highly refined base oils and specially selected additives designed to provide excellent performance in all recommended applications. Contains effective detergent-dispersant to keep sludge and varnish deposits to a minimum. Additionally fortified with oxidationcorrosion inhibitors, high temperature anti-wear additives and foam inhibitors to protect vital engine parts from scuffing and protect bearings from corrosion.

Advantages & Uses

  • Exceeds API Service Classification SL/CF-4 and is recommended for use in gasoline passenger cars, light trucks, and all diesel vehicles including those with turbocharged engines. MVP+ also exceeds API SH, SG, CF, CE and previous gasoline and diesel engine oil specifications.



  • Highly oxidation stable - protects engine from oil thickening, high temperature sludge and varnish deposits.
  • Shear stable viscosity index improver-protects against viscosity breakdown in severe service.
  • Effective detergent-dispersants keeps engine parts clean.
  • Improved fuel economy means better gasoline mileage.
  • High TBN / alkaline reserve effectively neutralizes corrosive acids formed by combustion to protect critical turbo charger bearings and other vital engine surfaces.
  • Anti-wear agents effectively protect cam lobes and other highly loaded parts from wear


Product Specifications

  • Product & Size
    22200 - 1 qt. (946 ml)
  • Case Qty/Wt
    12 / 32oz
  • UPC Code
    0 76906 22200 6
  • Downloads

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    1400 N.W. 52nd Street, Seattle, Washington  98107 USA

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    Fax: (206) 784-3219
    Customer Service: (888) 227-3245

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